Over the past few months, several professionals have come together to discuss the future of the office. The group consisted of strategists, anthropologists, consultants, analysts, and writers. The Corporate Real Estate Journal published the discussions and insights in a recent article. Anna Todorova, head of research at Measuremen, was one of the collaborators. We are very proud of her part in this collaboration. Find the abstract and link to the full article below.
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Authors: Chris Diming, Rob Harris, Chris Kane, Max Luff, George Muir, Amanda Rischbieth, Euan Semple, Anna Todorova, Caroline Waters, Eugenia Anastassiou Source: Corporate Real Estate Journal, Volume 10 / Number 3 / Spring 2021, pp. 271-284(14) Publisher: Henry Stewart Publications
Abstract – The future of the office
The debate about the future of the office has taken on a life of its own. As a result of pandemic-induced lockdowns, the viability and utility of the home/remote/anywhere working experiment at scale have opened up challenges and opportunities. So much so that the traditional ecosystem of commercial property investment is under challenge. Together with the viability of the traditional office from both the suppliers’ and users’ perspectives. And even the future of city centres is being evaluated. COVID-19 has shifted the focus to the people aspect of the equation and how and where work will be carried out.
Given the rise in the importance of employee and community health and well-being. It has also highlighted the work-from-home versus living-at-work debate. This paper engages a broad range of diverse contributors with a wealth of experience and expertise in dealing with various aspects of the built, technological, and workplace landscape. Including the health, well-being, anthropological, behavioural change, and sustainability factors. This wide-ranging holistic approach forms the basis for creating greater awareness. By proposing frameworks and approaches within the corporate real estate (CRE) space to move forward.
Keywords: lockdown, remote working, commercial property investment, COVID-19, health and well-being, living-at-work