As we showed in our Annual Workplace Report, office occupancy across the world is still low. At Measuremen’s headquarters in Amsterdam, this is no different, we have a low occupancy too. So after several strategic sessions, we crafted something crazy, innovative and new. This is the announcement: Measuremen will drop the office completely and adopt a new festival working model!
The new festival working model
It’s simple but highly effective. From now on, all employees work completely remotely except for the last week of the month. Measuremen will have no headquarters anymore (which will save quite some money!). During the first weeks of the month, employees work completely remotely virtually while the number of meetings is minimised. Employees won’t see each other in person but could visit a co-working space if necessary. Employees will work at their own desired schedule and work based on desired outcomes. These outcomes will be presented in the last week of the month.
And this last week of the month will be completely different for the Measuremen employees. This last week, Measuremen organises a working festival for Measuremen employees that lasts a week. It’s a festival of work. This week will be a fun but productive get-together for all the employees. A combination of reflection, strategy and fun. Coachella meets the CES. Lowlands meets World Workplace Day. A conference party. A social summit.
Image 1. Measuremen’s experience combining thought leadership with fun
A festival working week
During this festival week, talks from the management team and guest speakers will guide and inspire the employees for the upcoming month. This will be followed by interactive workshops. These workshops will focus on discussing strategy and working team building and practical issues. Then, the monthly schedule is drafted to guide all employees for a month of remote work. Until we all get together again for the next festival to happen.
The parties
But some employees can’t wait for this festival for a way different reason: the parties. Each festival has good parties and Measuremen has these too. Each evening we have a different theme where everyone can share their talents and people get to know each other (better). We believe they serve the great purpose of community building, employee engagement, and employee attraction. Moreover, on Friday, our own employees can invite their families and friends for the Family Festival. This way, Measuremen works on work-life balance and adding #fun to the experience. But that’s not all, our close relations (e.g. our customers and suppliers) are also welcome on the Friday Festival. This way we can build better relationships, and get to know each other beyond doing business. Are you coming too?
Table 1. Festival schedule
Are you following us?
We are really looking forward to adopting our new Festival working model. This is our way of #thoughtleadership in navigating the new world of hybrid working, and taking it to the next level. Improving workplaces worldwide gets a different meaning that we fully embrace. We’re curious whether you and your organisation are also excited to adopt the Festival working model. You’re welcome at our first working festival and really get to know us, and hear about our experiences! Share this article if you’re ready for the new way of working!
Update: April fools! Of course we’re not doing this, we love our office!