Measuremen has not been idle lately. In the period where less observations physically took place, Measuremen compiled all previously collected data and processed them into our Measuremen Portal. Since early 2018 the gathered data has been reported in our own Business Intelligence tool; the Measuremen Portal. Before this, the insights from the data were always presented in a PDF report. Ever since we switched to using the online Measuremen Portal it is not only technically possible but also interesting for many organisations to be able to analyse the recent workplace insights in the Measuremen Portal and compare them with historical figures. In this way, the existing data has even more value and unique insights are created.
Activities that have been carried out for this purpose are, for example, making overarching labels in order to be able to compare and analyse exactly the same buildings, workplace, and room types throughout different studies throughout the years. With this, we allow customers to recognise trends and to use these newly acquired insights that clearly show what has and has not worked in the office or educational environment. In addition, it is easier to analyse whether a change in policy at a certain time worked out correctly. This helps to solve current housing issues and gives the opportunity to respond proactively and to justify the housing policy.
One of our education customers is developing a space planning policy so that the campus will continue to meet the changing needs of employees and students in the future. In order to prepare this policy thoroughly, they wanted to gain insight into the trends in the use of their educational environment in recent years. Measuremen has converted the measurements, including a comparison with class rosters up to and including the 2017/2018 school year, into datasets that can be used in the Measuremen Portal. This makes it easier for the university to analyse the trends and differences between certain buildings as they are visualised next to one another. These recent workplace insights can then be traced back to the various programs/subjects that used that accommodation during that period.