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Annual Workplace Report 2017 (EN)

  • Annual Workplace Reports

Vincent le Noble is oprichter en CEO van Measuremen. Contact hem via

Annual Workplace Report 2017 (EN)


2017 was a great year for Measuremen, we continued our worldwide growth and opened up offices in London and Sydney. Our goal is to improve workplaces worldwide. Collecting data on actual usage and performance and creating insights to make the best decisions possible.

Within this third Annual Workplace Report, we present our findings over the last year. Our clients can compare not only their studies with historic data but also benchmark their results within their industry or with other cities and countries. The need for benchmark data is growing, we love sharing some of it with you. Feel free to reach out and learn what workplace data can do for your strategy. Enjoy the read!

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Vincent le Noble is oprichter en CEO van Measuremen. Contact hem via

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