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26 October 2020 15:00-16:00 CET
  • Webinar

Webinar Sisense On Demand

How Measuremen improves work-life balance and generates income with data. A conversation between Vincent Le Noble, CEO & Founder of Measuremen, and Charles Holive, and Jack Cieslak of Sisense.

What you will learn:

  • The types of dashboards and analytics most effective in helping companies understand their physical locations and worker/customer desires.
  • The importance of a clear data ingestion/capture strategy.
  • How embedded analytics deliver value to end-users.
  • Why analytics are an essential component of building better work-life balance.

Featured Speakers

Vincent le Noble
Vincent le Noble

Founder & CEO Measuremen

Charles Holive

Managing Director of Data Monetization and Strategy Consulting, Sisense

Jack Cieslak

Managing Editor, Sisense Insights Sisense

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